Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Omni PCX Enterprise call server

PBX stands for Private Automatic Branch Exchage . immediately wrote .. session on deeper PABX will be discussed more in ok .. The initial view Omni PCX Enterprise call server when in telnet : Then we enter the username and password : mtcl Then to change the ip configuration by typing the command : netadmin - m Option # 1 : to change the ip and gateway configuration . Option # 2 : to see that the configuration has been set up. Option # 3 : to view and update the configuration of the local ip that has been set up. Option # 4 : for setting up redundant cpu ( cpu standby ) if there are 2 cpu / call server . Option # 5 : for setting up ip role . Piiihan No. 18 : when it is in the settings on Apply and then select the No. 2 back to see the results of the configuration that has be set . Then to change the time and date to suit the desired hour we entered into swinst Then choose expert menu - > System Management - > date & time updates Follow the next langkah2 then type q to exit the menu . Previous climbing to the next step we also need to know what card card dipunya by alcatel . There are 2 types of PABX belong there alcatel OXO and Oxe . What we learned was that above including Oxe ( Omni PCX Enterprise ) while OXO ( Omni PCX Office ) customer dikebutuhan only difference , if OXO to the needs of small - medium , klo Oxe to the needs of medium -large . To learn both very long at all .. so bit by bit before yes

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